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Protect Yourself with The Total Health System

With BioGreen's powerful Total Health System, you can nutritionally support your body's fight against harmful environmental toxins with a 90-day total health program.

Important steps to maintaining good health are:

Detoxification: BioCleanse & BioGreens
While there is no practical way to totally avoid the health hazards in today's world, you can protect yourself from many of their harmful effects. BioCleanse™ is an exceptional combination of all-natural ingredients, including vitamins, minerals and nutritive herbs, which safely and effectively support the body's detoxification.

A very powerful attribute of our BioCleanse System is it's ability to help your body eliminate harmful toxins. Through a safe and natural process, this is an exceptional and proven method of ridding the body of heavy metal toxins such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury as well as other environmental toxins at a cellular level. Years of research and testing have been invested in this product formulation creating exciting results for our customers and Associates. Unleash the potential of your body’s healing system!


Fortification: BioVita & BioGreens
Used in conjunction with BioVita high potency vitamin/mineral complex, our BioGreens Whole Food Nutritional Supplement formula will not only support the elimination of unwanted toxins and heavy metals, but will also provide your body with much needed nutrients and micro nutritients to achieve optimum health and vitality.

Continuing Detoxification and Nutritional Support: BioSupport/Antioxidants, BioVita & BioGreens
When you combine BioVita and BioGreens, our amazing Whole Food Nutritional Supplement, with BioSupport, our continuing detoxification and anti-oxidant formulation, you help to ensure that your body is receiving the absolute best in ongoing protection against environmental toxins, the damaging effects of free-radical damage, with an unparalleled program of nutritional support.

Order your Total Health System today!

Liver and Kidney

Most people don't realize how vital the liver, or largest internal organ, really is. Often overlooked, when the liver is over-stressed all other organs start to dysfunction. It is constantly working to break down not only the environmental and external toxins that invade our body through breathing and eating, but also those produced during normal metabolic processes in the body called internal toxins. Many common symptoms such as headaches, mental confusion, muscle pain, fatigue, poor coordination, nerve problems, skin irritations and emotional imbalances can be a result of over exposure to toxins. If liver function can be improved, the entire body will benefit. BioCleanse contains a synergistic blend of very carefully selected ingredients proven to help support the liver function in this way.



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